Supporting Technical Assessments

Table 1. Summary of Breach Outflow Volumes During Processes I and II Scenario Volume of Supernatant Pond, Vw (Mm3) Vw : VT_EROD Volume of Eroded Tailings, VT_EROD (Mm3) Volume of Process I Breach Outflow, VOUT_I (Mm3) Volume of Eroded Embankment, VEMB (Mm3) Volume of Liquefied Tailings, VT_LIQ (Mm3) Volume of Mobilised Tailings, VT_MOB (Mm3) Volume of Deposition, VDEP (Mm3) Sunny Day 0.240 1:1 0.240 0.480 0.391 0.546 0.786 0.937 Rainy Day 1.194 1:0.66 0.786 1.976 0.391 0.000 0.786 0.391 Notes: 1. VT_MOB + VEMB = VDEP + VT_EROD. 2. The volume of mobilised tailings, VT_MOB, is the sum of eroded tailings in Process I water flood and the liquefied tailings in the Process II mud flood.