Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9216 22 June 2022 Page 17 File: WAI-983-080-REP-GT-0013_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. The economic impact associated with a Rainy Day breach would be not much more significant than natural flood. In a 1 in 1,000 year flood SH2 would likely be closed temporarily and then there would be restrictions on traffic while repairs were undertaken. This would impact on many businesses in the area, however, this would be primarily because of the natural flood. Some farms located close to the Ohinemuri River would be affected by deposition of sediment, some of which may be tailings which would need to be cleaned up. The Waikino Hotel could be destroyed and the Waikino Station Café could be significantly damaged by a natural flood, and a breach could cause some increase in damage. Several businesses located close to the Ohinemuri River in Paeroa township could also experience some increase in damage over a natural flood due to a breach. As Storage 3 is not the only operating TSF at the Waihi Operation Site, a breach of Storage 3 would not necessarily result in the closure of the mine. However, it could be expected to result in a cessation or significant reduction in mining and ore processing for a period. This may have major economic impact for OGNZL and their employees, for the Waihi community, and contractors employed by OGNZL. Water is taken from the Ohinemuri River for irrigating farmland and crops, and so contamination of the river may have some economic effects for affected businesses. 12.2.8. Community Recovery Time It could take several months to remove tailings and debris in the Ruahorehore Stream and Ohinemuri River, the surrounding farmland, townships, and recreational area. It would likely take more than a year to repair Storage 3. Incremental damage to the Ohinemuri River stopbanks could take months to repair. Rebuilding the severely damaged or destroyed residential buildings would also take over a year. Therefore, the community recovery time is assessed to be years and the impact to be major. 12.2.9. Potential Impact Classification The PIC of the Storage 3 embankment has been assessed in accordance with guidance provided by Module 2 of the NZDSG. A summary of the assessed PAR, Potential Loss of Life, and damage levels for different categories that need consideration is provided in Table 8. The PIC of the Storage 3 embankment under a Rainy Day breach scenario is assessed to be High. 13.0 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL IMPACT CLASSIFICATION The PIC of the Storage 3 embankment is assessed to be High. This is based on the Rainy Day breach scenario which is more critical than the Sunny Day breach scenario. The PAR in the Rainy Day breach scenario is significantly greater than for the Sunny Day breach scenario.