Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9216 22 June 2022 Page 13 File: WAI-983-080-REP-GT-0013_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. The economic impact of a Sunny Day breach on the natural environment is moderate. 12.1.7. Potential Social, Cultural, and Economic Impact For the Sunny Day breach scenario, no damage to the Karangahake Gorge Historical Walkway is estimated, including the trail and bridges. The riverbed would be impacted which would have an effect on its users for recreation. Impact on water quality and the environment has significance for Maori. Water is a taonga for Maori and contamination of water would significantly impact on its mana and spiritual qualities (Mauri and Wairua). As Storage 3 is not the only operating TSF at the Waihi Operation, a breach of Storage 3 would not necessarily result in the closure of the mine. However, it could be expected to result in a cessation or significant reduction in mining and ore processing for a period. This would have a major economic impact for OGNZL and their employees, for the Waihi community, and contractors employed by OGNZL. Water is taken from the Ohinemuri River for irrigating farmland and crops, and so contamination of the river is likely to have some economic effects for affected businesses. 12.1.8. Community Recovery Time A Sunny Day breach of Storage 3 would not be expected to result in consequences that would have a significant impact on the community and its recovery time. Sectors of the community would suffer economically as noted in 12.1.7. There would be significant damage to land immediately adjacent to Storage 3. There would be a minimal impact on travel as only Baxter Road would be expected to be affected. The assessed community recovery time is months, and the impact is moderate. 12.1.9. Potential Impact Classification The PIC has been assessed in accordance with Module 2 of the NZDSG (Ref. 1). The assessed damage levels for the various categories of damage have been based on the criteria given in the NZDSG which are presented in Table 5. The PIC is dependent on PAR and the damage assessed for different categories. The criteria for PIC assessment in the NZDSG are presented in Table 6. A summary of the assessed PAR, Potential Loss of Life, and damage levels for different categories that need consideration is provided in Table 7. The PIC of the Storage 3 embankment under a Sunny Day breach scenario is assessed to be High. 12.2. Rainy Day Breach Scenario 12.2.1. Inundated Area The inundation map associated with a 1 in 1,000 year flood in the Ohinemuri River and Ruahorehore Stream and Process I dam breach flow, and the deposition map associated the Process II mud flow for the Rainy Day scenario