Supporting Technical Assessments

vii File: WAI-983-080-REP-GT-0013_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Breach Outflow Volumes Table 2 Breach Parameter Estimation by using HEC-RAS (Sunny Day) Table 3 Breach Parameter Estimation by using HEC-RAS (Rainy Day) Table 4 Flood Severity and Incremental Fatality Rate Based on Graham Method Table 5 Categories of Damage for Assessing PIC (Table 2.2, NZDSG, Ref. 1) Table 6 Determination of Potential Impact Classification (PIC) (Table 3.1, NZDSG, Ref. 1) Table 7 Assessment of Damage for Sunny Day Breach Scenario Table 8 Assessment of Damage for Rainy Day Breach Scenario