Supporting Technical Assessments

iv File: WAI-983-080-REP-GT-0013_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. 5. The modelling undertaken for this dam breach assessment uses source data and assumptions that will have differences from modelling by others that may have been undertaken for the management of the flood hazard in the area. Any comparison of maps must consider the differences. The purposes of the Storage 3 dam breach assessment are specific for the assessment of PIC and emergency action planning. This is different to the purposes of flood hazard modelling. Specifically, the dam breach assessment uses Lidar ground level information which may differ from actual levels of the ground and stopbanks. This means that in an actual stopbank full scenario in Paeroa, the overtopping locations may differ from those shown on dam breach maps and these should not be relied on for any other purpose other than assessing the dam’s PIC and developing an EAP. It is normal to review and update the PIC of a dam, including revising inundation maps to account for new information, every five years or whenever modifications to dams or their operational procedures could result in any change to downstream consequences of a potential dam failure.