Supporting Technical Assessments

0 25 50 SPT 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 0 25 50 SPT 0 25 50 SPT 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) 400 200 0 fs (kPa) 10 20 qc (MPa) EoH Dacite Breccia WG6 off 40m West MW-SW Dacite EoH MW5D/MW5S White clay. Possibly fine rhyolitc tuff CPTE12 off 46m East DH7 off 36m East Alluvium Lithics Ignimbrite Dacite EoH CPTE13A off 8m East CPTE02 CPTE05 CPT26 WRS6(GHD) DH5a CPT304 Alluvium EoH Lithics Ignimbrite EoH Alluvium CW Ign. MW Ignimbrite Boulder/cobble Alluvium CPTE01 off 16m West CPTE11 off 12m West CPTE04B Alluvium CW Dacite HW Dacite MW Dacite WRS5a(GHD) off 39m West EoH Possibly fine rhyolitic tuff CW Ign. is extremely weak and sensitive Rhyolite tuff (ts): Fine grained rhyolitic tuff, white, sometimes slightly oxidised. Soil strengths with high water content and sensitive/quick behaviour. Typically white colouring. Dacite (iu): Completely weathered to slightly weathered dacite. Dacite encountered varies between brecciated, flow banded and massive. Completely weathered dacite has soil strength. Moderately to slightly weathered dacite is weak to strong. Typically grey with white and black phenocrysts. Some weathered dacite has purple tinge. Alluvium Ash Colluvium ts iu al co as il Ignimbrite (iI): Ignimbritic tuff with high proportion of gravel sized lithics. Completely weathered to slightly weathered. Completely weathered material has soil strengths, with some with sensitive/quick behaviour. Moderately to slightly weathered ignimbrite is extremely weak to weak. Often with greenish grey and light grey colouring. Homunga Rhyolite Uretara Formation Ignimbrite Boulder & Cobble Alluvium: Boulder and cobble alluvium supported, with weakly cemented matrix of sand and silt found beneath ignimbrite in paleo channel/gully. Boulders and cobbles are mainly rhyolitic and dacitic. Rhyolite (fr): Rhyolitic lava flows. Various forms encountered including flow banded, spherulitic, phenocrystic, brecciated. Weathering grades from completely weathered to slightly weathered. Often white and purple colouring. fr wn BHN39 off 22m West TPN54 off 36m East CP29 off 43m East Refusal at 6m TPN20 off 53m East Ash Alluvium Rhyolite EoH Alluvium Alluvium Ash EoH EoH ? ? EoH SECTION 3 - 1:250 scale Figure 16