Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9018 22 June 2022 Page 24 WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0006_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. 12.0 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Construction of the NRS will be undertaken by an independent Contractor supervised by OGNZL. The Contractor will prepare a Construction Management Plan. This plan will set out specifically, among the other things that are required, their construction methodology and quality plan to meet the specification. It shall also set out the operation of the NRS as a stockpile, including management of NAF and PAF material, surface water management, implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan, and the stages of rehabilitation of the NRS OGNZL will operate a Principal’s Quality Assurance Plan to confirm the Contractor has met the Specification. As-built records of construction will be maintained by OGNZL. Records will be kept including: 1. As-built survey records of all stripped surfaces prior to placement of fill and all final surfaces 2. Earthworks quantities 3. Photographs 4. Quality control test results including results from tests undertaken by an Independent Testing Authority 5. Construction plant 6. Notes on any issues that arise during construction A schedule of construction inspections and monitoring required to be undertaken will be prepared during detailed design. Construction related inspections and monitoring will be incorporated into the Principal’s Quality Assurance Plan and the Contractors Management Plan. Operational monitoring items will be incorporated into the Operational Management Plan for the NRS. It is expected that OGNZL will have principal hazard management plans for the NRS stockpile operation, uphill diversion drain cuts requiring explosives, and magazine storage area. This is required under the Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 (Ref. 1). OGNZL is experienced in developing and enacting principal hazard management plans. These plans will add to the safe construction of the NRS which by itself does not require a building consent. 13.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The NRS will have a site-specific erosion and sediment control plan (SSESCP). This plan will establish the specific erosion and sediment controls required during construction, operation, and closure. The plan will cover key stages of the works: • Site establishment • Uphill diversion drain construction and TB1 stream diversion • Foundation works • Establishment of perimeter infrastructure and collection pond • Operation • Final rehabilitation establishment