EGL Ref: 9018 22 June 2022 Page 20 WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0006_Rev0.docx This report shall only be read in its entirety. TABLE 2: NORTHERN ROCK STACK UNDERCUT VOLUMES Material Cut Volume (m3)* NAF - Ash 85,950 NAF - Alluvium, Residual soil 73,000 NAF - Rhy 185,250 NAF - Zone I (material requiring uncut in stockpile) 160,000 Topsoil 112,500 Total 616,700 *Cut volumes are preliminary estimates only, actual volumes will vary TABLE 3: NORTHERN ROCK STACK FILL VOLUMES BY MATERIAL ZONATION Construction Stage Fill Volumes (m3)* Zone A Zone I Zone F Zone G/H Topsoil Totals Site establishment (base liner, perimeter infrastructure, collection pond and uphill diversion drain) 198,241 266,348 - - 1,300 465,889 Stockpile operation - - 765,700 161,200 8,060 934,960 Closure Capping - - 417,300 556,400 27,820 1,001,520 Totals 198,241 266,348 1,183,000 717,600 37,180 2,402,369 *Fill volumes are preliminary estimates only, actual volumes will vary TABLE 4: NORTHERN ROCK STACK FILL VOLUMES BY NAF/PAF/TOPSOIL Construction Stage Fill Volumes (m3)* NAF PAF Topsoil Totals Site establishment (base liner, perimeter infrastructure, collection pond and uphill diversion drain) 464,589 - 1,300 465,889 Stockpile operation (Required materials only) 161,200 765,700 8,060 934,960 Closure Capping 556,400 417,300 27,820 1,001,520 Totals 1,182,189 1,183,000 37,180 2,402,369 *Fill volumes are preliminary estimates only, actual volumes will vary TABLE 5: NORTHERN ROCK STACK CONSTRUCTION EXTERNALLY SOURCED MATERIALS Item Quantity Units Drainage metal and filter sand 13,500 to 16,700 m3 Roading metal 1,700 to 2,000 m3 Rockfill lining 2,100 to 2,500 m3 Geotextile 30,000 to 35,000 m2 ABS Subsoil Pipes (80 to 150mm dia.) 4,900 to 5,900 m PE Subsoil Pipes (110mm dia.) 1000 to 1300 m Geomembrane (HDPE) 35,000 to 42,500 m2 Sumps (i.e. 2.3m dia. manholes) 80 to 100 m Concrete 100 to 120 m3 Collection sys. PVC pipes (225mm dia.) 440 to 530 m Embankment surface water PVC pipes 530 to 630 m PE Delivery and Return Pipes 1250 to 1500 m