Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9215 23 June 2022 Page 14 This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. FIGURE 10: 100 YEAR ARI FLOOD EXTENT PAST STORAGE 1A AND 2 TABLE 1: HIRDS (V4) RAINFALL DEPTHS FOR ANNUAL RECURRENCE INTERVAL ARI (yrs) AEP Duration (hr) 10min 20min 30min 1hr 2hr 6hr 12hr 24hr 48hr 72hr 1.58 0.633 9.38mm 14.7 19.1 29 43.1 75.1 101 131 161 177 2 0.5 10.4 16.3 21.1 32.1 47.5 82.8 112 144 177 194 5 0.2 13.9 21.9 28.2 42.8 63.2 110 148 190 232 255 10 0.1 16.7 26.1 33.7 51 75.2 130 175 224 274 300 20 0.05 19.6 30.6 39.4 59.6 87.8 151 203 260 317 347 30 0.033 21.4 33.4 43 64.9 95.5 164 220 282 343 376 40 0.025 22.7 35.4 45.6 68.8 101 174 233 298 362 396 50 0.02 23.8 37 47.6 71.8 106 181 243 310 377 412 60 0.017 24.6 38.4 49.3 74.4 109 188 251 321 390 426 80 0.012 26 40.5 52 78.4 115 197 264 337 409 447 100 0.01 27.1 42.2 54.2 81.6 120 205 274 350 425 464 250 0.004 31.7 49.3 63.2 94.9 139 237 316 403 488 532 1000 0.001 37.2 57.9 74.2 111.3 162.9 277.4 369.6 471.0 569.8 620.9 10000 0.0001 46.4 72.1 92.3 138.5 202.6 344.4 458.6 583.8 705.5 768.4 PMP* 1200^ * PMP stands for Probable Maximum Precipitation ^ PMP scenario is used to determine the water volume to for setting the operation to maintain the freeboard condition