Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 8983 8 October 2021 Page 18 File: TSF3 Stability Analysis Appendix Summary.docx.doc FIGURE B12: YU ET AL. (2012) (REF. 8) RECORD OF CREST AND BASE PEAK GROUND ACCELERATIONS FIGURE B13: RESPONSE SPECTRA RECORDED AT THE BASE AND CREST OF THE MATAHINA DAM IN THE EDGECUMBE EARTHQUAKE B9. GROUND MOTION INTENSITY VARIATION THROUGH THE EMBANKMENT Ground motion intensity will increase up the embankment. Different slide masses will experience varying ground motion intensities depending on what portion of the embankment is encompassed by the slide mass. The dynamic response of the embankment is complex with many modes resulting in different parts of the embankment being in and out of phase during an earthquake. Makidisi and Seed (1977) (Ref. 9) summarised work on the variation Storage 1A Amplification Factors