Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 8983 8 October 2021 Page 16 File: TSF3 Stability Analysis Appendix Summary.docx.doc FIGURE B10: EMBANKMENT SHEARWAVE VELOCITY ESTIMATATION TABLE B13: ESTIMATED SHEARWAVE VELOCITY PROFILE FOR THE EMBANKMENT Depth Vs (m/s) Vs10 Vs20 Vs30 Vs50 0 to 10m 303 303m/s 350m/s 383m/s 514m/s 10 to 20m 414 20 to 30m 471 30 to 50m 529 B8. EMBANKMENT SPECTRAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC AMPLIFICATION FACTORS Amplification of ground motions from the base of the embankment to the crest are applied for earthquake displacement analyses. The values selected are based on recorded amplification of peak ground acceleration at the crest and base of earth-rockfill dam. The case histories are summarised by Harder (1998) (Ref. 7.) and Yu et al. (2012) (Ref. 8) and are shown in Figure B11 and Figure B12. Included in the dataset is the 86m high Matahina Dam in the Bay of Plenty Region of New Zealand which recorded an amplification ratio of 1.5 for a base peak ground acceleration of approximately 0.26 g, in the Edgecumbe Earthquake. Figure B13 shows the response spectra for the base and the crest. The amplification ratio is close to 1.0 over 0.1 to 0.5 s, however increases to 2 over 0.5 to 0.8 s, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Depth (m) Vs (m/s) Lin et al. 2014 Dense Gravel GWD 100m K0=0.5 Vs30=346 PEER Eqn. 4.98 - Gravels - Holocene Dr=0.85 (N1)60=33.235 GWD =100m PEER Eqn. 4.102 - Gravels - Pleistocene Dr=0.85 (N1)60=33.235 GWD =100m Lin et al. (2014) Estimate SPT N60