Supporting Technical Assessments

641000 mN 641500 mN > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > OCEANA GOLD NZ LIMITED JOB NUMBER: ORIGINAL SCALE: A3 SIZE: DRAWING No. DATE TITLE BY PROJECT APPR. DESIGNED CHECKED DRAWN DESIGN APPR. APPROV. CHECKED REVISION DATE BY No. C COPYRIGHT written approval from in any way without prior and may not be copied OCEANA GOLD NZ LIMITED the property of This drawing remains REV. No. Preliminary Issue Tender Issue Construction Issue Signed: Signed: Signed: Date: Date: Date: PROJECT: AREA: DEVELOPMENT SITE Layout Plan Storage 3 Closure Tails / Waste Rock 080 WAI-983-080-DWG-CI-0690 B 8983 1:5000 Storage 3 RL155 TSF 399000 mE 400500 mE Storage 3 RL155 embankment crest Southern Uphill Diversion Drain with access road remains however overland flow channels added in gullies A ET 09-08-21 Preliminary Issue ET TM Perimeter Drain to report to collection ponds converted wetlands Storage 1A Storage 1A crest Rehabilitate stockpile surface. Maximum final volume estimate 800,000m³ Final RL approx RL128 TM 09-08-2021 ET 04-05-2021 ET 09-08-2021 JL 09-08-2021 Perimeter Road Closure pond / wetland Ruahorehore Stream Collection Pond S6 and S7 converted to wetland with open channel to Ruahorehore Stream Rehabilitate East Stockpile Southern Uphill Diversion Drain remains as rehabilitated stream Legend OGNZL proposed property boundary Pond water Wetland Perimeter dry cap > Overland flow channel to report to closure pond/wetland B ET 04-10-21 Labels and hatching ET Rehabilitated surfaces Open channel outlet formed in closure, discharging to the Ruahorehore Stream via. the Southern Uphill Diversion Drain Channel