Supporting Technical Assessments

Event Controls (Mitigation/ Management Measures) Residual risk assessment Controls to reduce likelihood Controls to reduce severity of consequence Likelihood Consequence Risk Mercury spill or loss of mercury containment during operations or disposal released to the environment Dedicated staff induction and training for the Gold Room Mercury handling is restricted to certified handlers and subject to tracking requirements. Standard operating procedures for retort oven operation and mercury use, collection, packing and storage. Land transport rules adhered to in relation to transport of hazardous substances, including appropriate routes and packaging, quantity limits, segregation of incompatible substances and provision of fire extinguishers. Mercury recovery processes are undertaken in bunded areas within the electrowinning building on a concrete floor slab. Biological sampling, atmospheric mercury level monitoring and dust sampling undertaken in the Gold Room to enable detection of any loss of mercury. Emergency Management Plan will be in place and staff trained in spill response Unlikely – multiple failures of procedural and structural controls required to result in discharge to the environment. Minor – any release contained in secondary containment or waste systems on site Low