Supporting Technical Assessments

Event Controls (Mitigation/ Management Measures) Residual risk assessment Controls to reduce likelihood Controls to reduce severity of consequence Likelihood Consequence Risk Rupture of packaging in the solid cyanide store and release to the environment Design, testing, inspection, certification of storage systems in accordance with standards set out in the HSW-HS and preventative maintenance will minimise the risk of leakage of hazardous substances. Process control systems are automated with interlock systems in place. The cyanide system has auto dosing to reduce chance of human error. Automated re-ordering systems to prevent overfilling. Secondary containment bunding in dedicated cyanide storage shed, with rainwater directed away from the bund area. Emergency response plans in place for the cyanide in the event of accidental release or incident on-site. Staff training in task specific procedures, regular task audits and cyanide awareness training. Unlikely – multiple failures of structural controls required to result in discharge to the environment. Minor – any release contained in secondary containment or waste systems on site. Low Valve or connection failure for the hydrated lime, hydrogen peroxide, caustic or hydrochloric acid systems and release to the environment Process control systems are automated with interlock systems in place. Design, testing, inspection, certification of storage systems in accordance with standards set out in the HSW-HS and preventative maintenance will minimise the risk of leakage of hazardous substances. Secondary and tertiary containment provided for the processing plant and WTP areas to contain any spills on site. Emergency response plans prepared for the event of accidental release. Site HSNO training, task-specific SOP’s, audits and inductions. Unlikely – multiple failures of structural controls including secondary and tertiary containment required to result in discharge to the environment. Minor – any release contained in secondary containment or waste systems on site Low