Supporting Technical Assessments

10 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Development Site – Surface Magazine, Waihi North Project Figure 4 shows the class 1 storage facility layout including the positioning of each individual H.E and I.E magazine and the calculated NEQ. These are also summarised below. • H.E Magazine 1 – 1,300 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 2 – 1,750 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 3 – 1,750 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 4 – 1600 kg (NEQ) • I.E Magazine 1 and 2 – up to 12,000 detonators combined (12 kg NEQ) ‘Figure 4 – Proposed class 1 storage facility layout’ Appropriate separation distances between H.E and I.E storage must be maintained in accordance with ‘Table of AS 2187.1’ . For the proposed aggregate of 12,000 detonators (12 kg NEQ of I.E), a minimum offset of 3.5 m (mounded) or 10 m un-mounded shall be maintained. 5. Conclusion and Summary The proposed location for the class 1 storage facility is considered compliant with the controlled zone offset requirements described in ’ r 9.27, HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’ . In respect of controlled zones and site personnel, this can be managed with the development of an effective emergency response plan for the storage area. The site is situated in a previously disturbed area. Some additional earthmoving will be required to allow site establishment. In the event of an unintended detonation, surrounding topography and landscape at the location will provide significant risk mitigation benefits to personnel, infrastructure, buildings and mine operations. The storage area is located on a remote part of the mine site. Two small buildings will require relocation to ensure compliance with regulations in regards to controlled zones and the proposed NEQ stored. NORTH kP 40m H.E Mag 3 – 1,750 kg NEQ H.E Mag 1 – 1300 kg NEQ H.E Mag 2 – 1,750 kg NEQ H.E Mag 4 – 1,600 kg NEQ I.E Mag 1 and 2 – 12 kg NEQ (aggregate) NOTE - Red outline indicates approximate magazine facility footprint.