Supporting Technical Assessments

9 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Development Site – Surface Magazine, Waihi North Project Where I.E magazines are positioned within minimum IMD for ‘other explosives storage’ as per ‘ Table of AS 2187.1 ’, the aggregate NEQ for relevant H.E and I.E magazines is used to calculate the controlled zone area. Figure 3 shows the proposed class 1 storage facility layout including the positioning of individual magazine units. The controlled zones shown in figure 3 are a representation of the aggregate of the controlled zones for each of the individual magazine units. The area shaded ‘yellow’ in Figure 3 indicates the extent to which the 2 kPa controlled zone crosses into neighbouring property. In accordance with ‘ r 9.27 (d), of the ‘HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 ,’ a detailed search of this area indicates that no relevant criteria (i.e., vulnerable facilities) exist on this property and is therefore not effected by this controlled zone crossover. ‘Figure 3 – aerial view of proposed magazine facility detailing regulated controlled zones’ 4.4. Proposed Magazine Facility Layout and Site Detail The proposed storage quantities for each individual magazine are designed to ensure controlled zone offsets comply and consider sufficient IMD (inclusive of mounding). Prior to construction of the class 1 storage facility, a Compliance Certifier will revisit the design to confirm the offset criteria are unchanged in relation to proposed magazine locations. This will confirm the final NEQ to be stored in each magazine. Adopting the mounded separation distances described in ‘ AS 2187.1, Table’ , a minimum ‘separation distance to other explosives storage (IMD)’ of 30 m shall be applied. Appropriate mounding must be in place between individual magazine units. If operationally required, I.E magazine placement can be adjusted. However, if IMD is not maintained, total stored NEQ for nearest H.E magazine is to include the aggregate quantity of I.E magazine contents. Mounding shall be undertaken in accordance with ‘ AS 2187.1, Appendix B – Mounding of Magazines ,’ to ensure IMD can be maintained and mitigate risk of propagation. 360 m NORTH kP Area in yellow, shows 2 kPa controlled zone interaction with neighbouring property Area bordered in red shows proposed magazine facility Latitude - 37°23'35.94"S Longitude - 175°52'38.70"E 13 kPa Controlled Zone 9 kPa Controlled Zone 5 kPa Controlled Zone 2 kPa Controlled Zone