Supporting Technical Assessments

7 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Development Site – Surface Magazine, Waihi North Project i. the interior of any proximate building where a class 1 substance is manufactured would not be subject to a blast overpressure of more than 24 kPa. Formula for minimum offset distance in accordance with the above criteria - D = 7.2Q1/3 Proposed class 1 site - Compliance summary. • This is currently not applicable as the manufacture of class 1 substances on site is not being considered at present. • Where manufacture may be considered using A.N (Ammonium Nitrate), ‘ Table’ , Associated Works’ of ‘ AS 2187.1’, applies in relation to minimum offsets to ‘A.N storage. • Controlled zone offsets shall be considered if manufacture does occur. Controlled zone definition – 13 kPa r 9.27(2)(a)(i) - public traffic routes of low density and places where people may occasionally be present in numbers up to 200 persons on average in any 24-hour period are not subject to any of the following: i. a blast overpressure more than 13 kPa. Formula for minimum offset distance in accordance with the above criteria – D = 11.2Q1/3 Proposed class 1 site - Compliance summary • This applies to any person in a public or private place within this zone irrespective of number or density. • In the event of an emergency situation, all site personnel within this zone shall evacuate to 5 kPa zone (minimum) • The 13 kPa controlled zone does not cross into public or private space. • The zone will be managed by way of OGNZL ERP and appropriate evacuation. Controlled zone definition – 9 kPa r 9.27(2)(b)(i) - public traffic routes of medium density, places where people may occasionally be present in numbers up to 900 persons on average in any 24- hour period, and the interior of any proximate building within the boundary of the place where people not directly handling explosive substances are present are not subject to any of the following: i. a blast overpressure more than 9 kPa. Formula for minimum offset distance in accordance with the above criteria – D = 14.8Q1/3 Proposed class 1 site - Compliance summary. • This applies to public traffic routes of medium density which are not present on the site. • Applies to the interior of any proximate building on site not related to handling of explosives (e.g., office, lunch room etc.). • The zone will be managed by way of an appropriate OGNZL ERP including evacuation protocols. • The controlled zone does not cross into any public or private space. • There is no exposure to any ‘un-related’ occupied building within the controlled zone. • The control room on the conveyor stacker to the west of the proposed class 1 site, is located just outside the 9 kPa zone. Two existing buildings (crib room and geotechnical building) located to the south and south west, must be relocated prior to commissioning of the storage facility. They are currently within the 9 kPa controlled zone.