Supporting Technical Assessments

5 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Development Site – Surface Magazine, Waihi North Project A variety of possible sites were considered for the proposed class 1 storage. Several sites were shortlisted and analysed in further detail giving particular consideration to compliance with ‘ HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 ,’ including the need to minimise impacts on neighbouring properties and limiting potential environmental impact. The proposed alternate locations also considered operational and civil requirements including potential earthworks, location in proximity to active mining areas, roads, firebreak offsets and topography. The proposed site was selected based upon the previously mentioned criteria. The site underwent extensive review and is considered the most appropriate from both a regulatory and operability perspective. The selected location is positioned in a remote part of the current operational mining area. The site has the below key benefits. • Compliant in respect of controlled zones for the proposed storage quantities (measured in NEQ). • Minimal environmental impacts. • The storage site is separated from and located at a distance to the centres of mining activities. • Securing the site will be a straight forward process. • Located in an area which has previously been disturbed by extensive earthworks to form a parking / lay down area. • The natural topography provides significant reduction in exposure risk to surrounding infrastructure, personnel and neighbouring properties. The establishment of the class 1 storage site will require a number of activities to be undertaken to prepare the site. These are summarised below and shown in Figure 2. • Removal and relocation of 2 buildings (Crib room and Geotechnical building) to the south and south west of the compound. • Realignment of overhead powerline infrastructure. • Earthworks to prepare the site (including removal of non-native vegetation). • Construction of bunding within the storage site. ‘Figure 2 – Aerial image indicating proposed infrastructure and civil development’ 100 m Proposed Magazine Compound Area in red outline indicates proposed site facility requiring additional earthworks NORTH kP Purple line indicates existing powerline infrastructure that will be relocated. Existing ‘control room’ that remains outside ‘9 kPa’ controlled zone Existing portable buildings to be relocated