Supporting Technical Assessments

4 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Development Site – Surface Magazine, Waihi North Project distances between individual magazine units in relation to mitigating propagation risk. The use of bunding between individual magazine units in accordance with AS 2187.1 - Table . has been considered when determining the IMD. Appendix B of AS 2187.1 , describes the bund design requirements and construction methodologies to support the reduced IMD offsets. The ‘QD co-efficient formulae’ found in the ‘International Ammunition Technical Guideline (IATG 2.20) – Quantity and Separation Distances, part 6.1.2 – inter-magazine distances (IMD) , Table 8: Effects and impact of QD for HD 1.1’ or ‘Annex C, D and E’ has also been considered in relation to propagation between individual magazines within an explosives compound. 3.1 Location Compliance Certification Sections ‘r.6.23 and r.9.26’ of the ‘ Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 ’’ describe the requirements for certification of a site containing hazardous substances, namely ‘class 1 explosives’. The certification process for a site that will store hazardous substances will consider the regulatory requirements described in sections ‘ r 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15 and 9.16 ‘as well as appropriate emergency response and administrative controls. In addition to the compliance certification process, notification shall be given to Worksafe New Zealand in accordance with ‘ r 9.22 (4) of HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’. This notice must be provided at least 30 working days prior to the commissioning of the hazardous substances storage location. 3.2 Other Design and Storage Considerations Site design must also consider the obligations for the storage of class 1 substances described in ‘ Part 9 of HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 . The types of considerations are outlined below. • 5 yearly magazine structure design and certification (r 9.20) . AS 2187.1 for build specification. • Site security requirements such as fencing and/or perimeter motion sensor (if deemed necessary). • Signage requirements. • Emergency response and evacuation including engagement with FENZ. • Earthing requirements and protection from lightning strike. • Qualification, training and competence for handlers of class 1 substances. • Mounding requirements (‘ Table’ and ‘ Appendix B’ of ‘ AS 2187.1’’ ). Further administrative and personnel obligations are described in Parts 1-8, HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. These must be considered in the final site design process as well as the management plans under which the site will be operated. 4. ‘Development Site – Surface Magazine Facility’ Overview As part of the process to identify a suitable new location for a class 1 storage facility, the below key elements were considered. • Compliance with HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 , including achieving appropriate controlled zone offsets in relation to required capacities. • Minimising environmental impact (Significant Natural Areas and planting programs). • Minimising potential impacts on neighbouring properties. • Mine production forecasts and quantities of class 1 substances required. • Minimising the number of deliveries to site to reduce the frequency of transport of class 1 substances on public roads.