Supporting Technical Assessments

54 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 8 Assessment of effects on the environment 8.1 Introduction The following assessment identifies and assesses the actual and potential effects of the proposed Processing Plant and WTP upgrades and the establishment of Class 1 storage at the Development Site. This assessment also outlines the measures that OGNZL proposes to avoid, remedy or mitigate any potential adverse effects on the environment. 8.2 Hazardous substances In accordance with the Objectives and Policies of the HDP, the assessment has particular regard to the following aspects:  Adoption of a low-risk approach and avoiding as far as possible the risks associated with the production, storage, use, conveyance and disposal of hazardous substances;  Ensuring that hazardous substances are used, handled and conveyed through the district in such a way to avoid adverse environmental and health effects;  Discouraging the production of hazardous waste, and avoiding unsafe discharge or disposal of hazardous waste to the environment; and  Recognition of industry and operator codes of practice. 8.2.1 Effects on people and property The Processing Plant, WTP and Development Site are in the Martha Mineral zone under the HDP. The adjacent western and northern boundary of the site is rural zoned under the HDP. The land directly to the south is Black Hill which is currently zoned as Reserve (Passive) and a Significant Natural Area. The nearest Residential zoned land is approximately 400 m north-west of the WTP for the properties located on Barry Road, and 850 m to the southwest of the Processing Plant area for rural properties on Clarke Street. To accommodate the increase in throughput and operations with the inclusion of the WNP, an increased storage of hazardous substances is required. The key risks to people and property from the activities at the Processing Plant and WTP are fire risk and spill of hazardous substances discussed below. Fire risk to people and property The risk to people from a fire at the flammable or oxidiser storage locations associated with the Processing Plant, WTP and Development Site (specifically the LPG, diesel, hydrogen peroxide and liquid oxygen tanks) has been assessed as low.. The risk is managed through controls including certification, appropriate design, preventative maintenance at the storage facilities, provision of fire extinguishers and fire-fighting water pump systems, segregation of reactive substances and separation of flammable or oxidising substances from buildings. OGNZL has emergency response procedures under their emergency response plan which includes a dedicated trained firefighting team (Waihi Mine Response) and firefighting appliances to respond in the event of a fire and/or accidental release of hazardous substances. Based on the emergency response plan, controls in place at the Processing Plant, WTP and Development Site, and the separation distances to the closest dwellings, the effect on people and property from a fire at the flammable or oxidising substance locations has been assessed as less than minor.