Supporting Technical Assessments

48 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Hazardous Substance and quantity stored Identification of potential hazard properties (Hazard level1) Failure Modes Exposure pathways/ Affected part of environment Indicative hazard rating Potential for off-site effects Diesel (200,000 L) Fire/Explosion effects (low) Ecotoxicity (high) Valve leak, pipe failure, accidental release during refuelling Fire in storage area People, property, ecosystems High hazard to ecosystems in the event of a spill, managed through containment and treatment. Low fire hazard. Yes (during refuelling only) Effects on ecosystems and effects due to fire to be considered further. Hydrogen peroxide (35,000 L) Fire/Explosion effects (high), Human toxicity (medium) Ecotoxicity (low) Valve leak, pipe failure, accidental release during refilling and re-use. People, property, ecosystems High fire hazard as oxidising agents can accelerate a fire. Requires presence of combustible material and a source of ignition. Moderate human health hazard via skin contact and low hazard to ecosystems during a spill. Yes (during refilling) Effects on ecosystems and effects due to fire to be considered further. Ferric Chloride (30,000 L) Human toxicity (low) Valve leak, pipe failure, accidental release during refilling and re-use. People Low hazard to human health via skin contact, ingestion or inhalation, managed through spill containment measures. No Due to the low hazard and large distances to sensitive receptors, the potential for offsite human health effects is not considered further. Machinery oil and greases (16,000 L) Ecotoxicity (high) Container leak or rupture during unloading or storage. Ecosystems Low hazard to ecosystems in the event of a spill Yes Effects on ecosystems to be considered. Transformer oil (8,640 L) Toxicity via aspiration of a liquid is not considered a hazard to the off-site environment. - - - No Due to low hazard and storage in an area with secondary and tertiary containment.