Supporting Technical Assessments

43 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Figure 6.1: Overpressure zones offset distances from Development Site (red outline) The 2 – 5 kPa blast overpressure radius crosses the OGNZL boundary east of the proposed Development Site at the nearest point. The underlying land zone for the neighbouring properties to the east and north is Rural. The off-site areas could experience up to 5 kPa overpressure at the closest point to OGNZL’s boundary east of the Development site. Quantitative analysis of the consequence of exposure to this level of overpressure is provided in Section 7.3.2. The properties that are overlapped by the 2 – 5 kPa blast overpressure zone have been evaluated to determine whether the underlying zoning in the HDP permits the construction of vulnerable facilities in Table 6.2 below. The purpose of the requirement to exclude these activities from within the 2 kPa overpressure radius is to protect vulnerable facilities from adverse effects in an explosion scenario. Therefore, compliance with these requirements will help ensure that impacts on sensitive activities are minimised. Table 6.2: Assessment of the existence or potential for establishment of Vulnerable Facilities at off site properties in the 2 kPa blast overpressure zone Vulnerable facility definition (HSW-HS 2017) Rural zone 1. buildings of 4 storeys or more, of curtain wall construction with panels more than 1,500 mm square: Not permitted – Only dwellings and buildings accessory to farming permitted. 2. buildings of 4 storeys or more with more than 50% of the wall area glazed: Not permitted – Only dwellings and buildings accessory to farming permitted. 3. a hospital care institution, residential disability care institution, or rest home (as defined in section 58(4) of the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001), early childhood education and care centre (as defined in section 310 of the Education Act 1989), or school (as established under section 146 of the Education Act 1989): Not permitted – Only dwellings and buildings accessory to farming permitted.