Supporting Technical Assessments

36 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Figure 4.2: Layout of explosives magazines, including the proposed maximum storage capacities of each (source: GSS, 2021) The separation distances between the different magazines have been compared by GSS to those established in accordance with Annex M of the International Ammunition Technical Guideline, Quantity and separation distances published by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in 2015. In accordance with ‘AS 2187.1, Table’, a minimum inter magazine distance (IMD) of 30 m shall be applied (conditional on appropriate mounding). Mounding shall be undertaken in accordance with ‘AS 2187.1, Appendix B – Mounding of Magazines,’ to ensure the IMD can be maintained and minimise risk of propagation between magazines in the event of an unintended detonation. Table 4.4: Magazine capacities and IMD (GSS 2021) Magazine name Capacity (kg NEQ) IMD minimum (m) HE Magazine 1 1,300 30 HE Magazine 2 1,750 HE Magazine 3 1,750 HE Magazine 4 1,600 IE Magazine 1 and 2 12 4.12.2 Magazine certification The HSW-HS regulations require any storage of Class 1.1D explosives in excess of 2.5 kg to be secured in a magazine designed and certified to meet requirements for the material of construction, the design of the locking arrangement and arrangements for prevention of removal. The magazine is also required to have an earthing system between the atmosphere above the hazardous substance location and earth to dissipate any build up of electrostatic charge. The magazines must also have a lightning interceptor designed in accordance with section 4 in AS/NZS 1768: 2007—Lightning protection. These features are required to minimise the risk of an inadvertent ignition of the explosives. The magazines used by OGNZL are designed to standard AS 2187.1 1998 for relocatable magazines and hold design compliance certificates to demonstrate that the requirements set in the HSW-HS regulations are met. 4.12.3 Security The proposed Class 1 Explosives storage at the Development Site will be managed in accordance with OGNZL’s existing procedures for explosives management. The proposed compound will be securely fenced and only certified personnel will be authorised to access the keys to the storage site. This measure will reduce the likelihood of operator error or of tampering with the explosives and reduce the likelihood of an event causing a detonation. All sign outs and returns of the keys are logged in a register and all keys are verified as returned by the magazine keeper at the end of each day. The storage area will also equipped with cameras and a point-to-point laser system monitored continuously by site Security, which may only be deactivated by site Security for access by authorised personnel.