Supporting Technical Assessments

35 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Hydrated lime tanks receive delivery of solid lime at the lime unloading pad, and the tanks are then topped up with water via an automated filling process with tank level monitoring to cut the water feed at the set point. 4.11.6 Liquid oxygen delivery and storage Oxygen is termed a ‘permanent gas’ in the HSW-HS regulations because it liquefies only under extreme temperature and pressure conditions. The oxygen used at the Processing Plant is stored in a cryogenic tank segregated from other hazardous substances and the site boundary. BOC New Zealand Limited has designed, installed and maintains the cryogenic tank. The cryogenic tank is routinely inspected and certified under the Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999 (HSE-PECPR). Deliveries of oxygen are carried out under a Liquid Oxygen Product Delivery standard operating procedure16 by trained staff or contractors to minimise the risk of spills or incidents during tank filling. 4.11.7 Non-bulk hazardous substances Smaller quantities of hazardous substances are used in the workshop. Where appropriate these substances are to be stored in dangerous goods cabinets with internal secondary containment and applicable segregation from incompatible substances in place to meet the HSW-HS requirements. 4.12 Specific controls for explosives 4.12.1 Facility design The total aggregate quantity of stored H.E product (6,400 kg NEQ) is divided across four separate H.E magazine units. Each magazine will therefore be restricted to a maximum of 1,750 kg (NEQ) of mixed grade H.E. (seeFigure 4.2 below for individual magazine capacities). An additional 12 kg (NEQ) of I.E (detonators) is to be stored in up to two entirely separate magazine units (I.E Magazine). 16 OGNZL, August 2019, Liquid Oxygen Product Delivery, WAI-458-PRO-007