Supporting Technical Assessments

29 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Substance State Hazard Class Proposed maximum storage volume Storage location description Secondary containment minimum requirement (HSW-HS regulation ref) Hydrogen peroxide Liquid 5.1.1B, 6.1D, 8.2B, 8.3A, 6.9B, 9.1D, 9.3C 35,000 L Two tanks (17,500 L each) in the WTP Containment for at least 110% capacity of the largest container (r17.100) or integral containment1: 19,250 L Mercury Liquid 6.1B, 6.5B, 6.8A, 6.9A, 8.1A, 9.1A 10 kg Mercury recovery equipment in the gold room Containment for 25% the total pooling potential (r13.31): 2.5 L 1. In accordance with theHealth and Safety at Work (Reduced Secondary Containment for Certain Above Ground Stationary Tanks) Safe Work Instrument 2017 4.9 Separation distances The HSW-HS regulations require separation distances between substances with hazards to human health or property from potentially sensitive locations within the boundary, such as worker lunchrooms or offices, and from any areas off site where members of the public may be present. The minimum separation distances to protected and public places (including the site boundary) specified in the HSW-HS regulations are designed to mitigate9 the risk of:  any adverse event in the store impacting on public places or protected places, and  any adverse event at public places or protected places impacting on the store. The separation distances provided to off site locations are detailed inTable 4.3 below. 9 Policy Clarification, Storing class 6 and 8 hazardous substances, WorkSafe NZ, November 2019