Supporting Technical Assessments

26 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Should a spill and/or gas leak occur, staff will implement the procedures in the WEMP. Spill kits are also located at each dangerous goods store and any other areas of the OGNZL site which will hold or store hazardous substances. In the event of an unintended detonation of explosives, OGNZL have an Emergency Response Team on call to respond to any emergency on site and to manage any necessary evacuations of the site and wider community. In addition to the WEMP, the PHMPs outline the critical controls for hazardous substances. For the Processing Plant and WTP these include plant automation, automated dosing and interlock systems to prevent spills and leaks within the plant processes. The PHMP also outlines the scheduled evacuation drills, which includes three evacuations per year (one for fire, spill and acid response). The schedule is tailored to complete an evacuation for all substances to be carried out once every two years. The following drills are completed under the evacuation drill plan:  LPG fire or leak  Hydrogen peroxide exposure/first aid  Hydrochloric acid and caustic soda spill to ground/waterway and exposure/first aid  Cyanide spill or exposure  Cryogenic (liquid oxygen) leak 4.7 Fire protection and emergency response systems Section 14 of the WEMP (Appendix C) provides details on the emergency response resources available to OGNZL’s mining operations. In summary, the Waihi site has a fire appliance permanently located at the Mines Rescue Station. The fire appliance is equipped with firefighting equipment and mobile portable pump to draft water from alternative water sources. As the appliance does not have an onboard water supply, water carts on site are equipped with multiple adapters and couplings to be used as a water source in the event of a fire. Surface fire hydrants are also located in strategic locations with back up pumps equipped to operate on manual diesel power in the event of a power outage. The station is operated by the Mines Rescue Team, a dedicated unit trained in the emergency response procedures for events involving hazardous substance at OGNZLs sites, including spills and fires. The WEMP includes a safety appliance installation plan for the existing facilities. The plan marks the locations of the fire extinguishers (including type), fire hydrant locations, fire hose locations, fire alarms and safety shower locations. Appropriate types of fire extinguishers are located in each hazardous substances store area and around the facilities where they are in use. The proposed Class 1 explosives store will be equipped with a heat sensing ‘dry riser’ sprinkler fire suppression system in addition to dry chemical powder fire extinguishers required by the HSW-HS regulations. Once commissioned, the relevant plans will be updated to address the storage of explosives at the Development Site.These fire-fighting facilities will help to reduce the consequence in the event that a fire is initiated at the explosives stores by smothering the ignition source and preventing a detonation at the explosives store. 4.8 Secondary containment Secondary containment and separation of activities from protected and public places are requirements of the HSW-HS identified inTable 4.1 for the corrosive substances, oxidising substances, cyanide and hydrocarbons. The HSMP sets out the requirements for the bunded compounds and separation requirements for hazardous substances. In summary, all tanks are provided with secondary containment, either