Supporting Technical Assessments

24 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 an incident by limiting access to specialist workers with demonstrated competency to handle the substance safely. The OGNZL Hazardous Substances Management Plan (see Section 4.5.1) provides a list of certified handlers and the relevant substances each handler has a compliance certificate for handling. 4.5 Hazardous substances management plans 4.5.1 Hazardous Substances Principal Hazard Management Plan OGNZL operates with strict hazardous substance management procedures in place, which are detailed in the Hazardous Substances Management Plan4 (HSMP) attached as Appendix C. These procedures ensure that staff are trained to identify the hazards associated with each substance and implement measures to prevent spills or fires (depending on the nature of the hazard), minimising the chance of adverse effects at off site locations. The procedures include:  Development and maintenance of a hazardous substances register via the ChemAlert database. ChemAlert provides information on the substances identification, classification and substance specific emergency response guidance.  Substance Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are kept accessible in hardcopy to all employees on site, and training is provided in interpreting the information provided on the SDS to enable operators to identify the correct actions to take in an emergency.  Substance labelling requirements are defined to ensure appropriate identification of the substance hazards pursuant to the Hazardous Substances (Labelling) Notice 2017.  Development and maintenance of a risk register that identifies the person accountable for managing the risk and the controls required.  Personal Protective Equipment will be provided to be used as a last line of defence in the hierarchy of controls.  Spill response kits are available in all work areas where hydrocarbons and other substances are stored or handled. Staff are trained in spill prevention and recovery.  Effective communication of hazards through daily shift safety meetings, monthly crew safety meetings, safety representative committee meetings, daily management meetings, and task observations for safety performance feedback. The HSMP provides a public safety evacuation zone plan in the event of a fire. The public safety evacuation plan has been developed in line with the Dangerous Goods – Initial emergency response guide standards HB 76:20105. This evacuation plan shows that an LPG fire would initiate evacuation of some of the residential suburbs of Waihi, however, fires involving other substances such as the hydrogen peroxide, cryogenic oxygen, cyanides and acids would also potentially trigger evacuation of the residential properties on the fringe of Waihi (around Barry Road). These evacuation areas are precautionary, based on somewhat generic recommendations in the HB:76:2010, which do not factor in site specific details or controls such as provision of fire-fighting facilities or spill containment devices. 4 OceanaGold, Hazardous Substances Management Plan – Hazardous Substances WAI-250-PLN-003, (Waihi site, reviewed December 2021) 5 Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment, July 2010, SAA/SNZ HB 76:2010 Dangerous Goods – initial emergency response guide