Supporting Technical Assessments

19 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 While the ANFO, booster and packaged explosive all present human health and environmental hazards, the inherent properties of the materials (a granular solid, a solid in cardboard or plastic tubing and an emulsion in small cartridge units, respectively) limit their mobility. In the event of a spill, these substances are easily contained and cleaned up with a low risk of contamination of waterways. The large distance between the proposed storage site and the boundary of OGNZL’s landholding limits the potential for off site persons to come into contact with any released material in the case of a spill. The most significant hazard posed by the substances is the mass explosion hazard (i.e exposure to heat and air overpressure).