Supporting Technical Assessments

6 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Zone and overlay key: Figure 2.3: HDP zone maps showing indicative locations of the OGNZL facilities Source: HDP maps Farmland (Rural zoning) predominantly surrounds the OGNZL mining activities. Black Hill sits directly to the south of the Processing Plant and is zoned as Reserve (Passive) in the HDP and contains land identified as a Significant Natural Area, as well as some agricultural land leased for grazing and a motocross (off-road motorcycling) track. The Ohinemuri River runs along the eastern boundary of the Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant site area (approximately 70 m from areas where hazardous substances are stored or used at the Processing Plant at its closest point) before flowing around Black Hill and around Waihi township on the southern boundary. It is noted the Ohinemuri River is a point of recreational activities which includes trout fishing and walking tracks and will be sensitive to effects from spills of hazardous substances. The Rural and Reserve zoning of the land beyond the Martha Mineral Zone provides a buffer of low density land use between the mining land and the Waihi township residential areas. However, public use of the land for rural residences, farming and recreation means the surrounding lots are sensitive to the effects associated with the processing facilities, LPG and explosives storage at the proposed Development Site. Black Hill Martha Open Pit Proposed new Class 1 explosives storage area Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant Proposed relocated LPG tanks