Supporting Technical Assessments

Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Waihi Processing Plant, Water Treatment Plant and Development Site Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Table of contents Table of contents v 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Waihi North Project 1 1.3 Assessment approach and background documents 2 1.4 Definitions 3 2 Site location and environmental setting 4 2.1 Site Location 4 2.2 Sensitivity of local environment 5 3 Description of proposed activities and substances 7 3.1 Introduction 7 3.2 Processing Plant 7 3.3 Water Treatment Plant 8 3.4 Development Site 9 3.4.1 Relocated facilities 9 3.4.2 Explosives storage 10 3.5 Hazardous substances 11 3.5.1 Overview 11 3.5.2 Processing Plant, WTP and relocated Development Site operations 11 3.5.3 Development Site – New Class 1 explosives store 16 4 Control and management of hazardous substances 20 4.1 Introduction 20 4.2 Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) regulatory controls 20 4.3 Signage 23 4.4 Certified handlers 23 4.5 Hazardous substances management plans 24 4.5.1 Hazardous Substances Principal Hazard Management Plan 24 4.5.2 Explosives Principal Hazard Management Plan 25 4.6 Spill and emergency management plan 25 4.7 Fire protection and emergency response systems 26 4.8 Secondary containment 26 4.9 Separation distances 29 4.10 Tertiary containment 31 4.11 Substance specific operational procedures 32 4.11.1 Sodium Cyanide delivery, storage and use 32 4.11.2 Corrosive liquid delivery, storage and use 33 4.11.3 Quicklime dust control 33 4.11.4 Hydrocarbon delivery, storage and use 34 4.11.5 WTP chemical delivery, storage and use of hazardous substances 34 4.11.6 Liquid oxygen delivery and storage 35 4.11.7 Non-bulk hazardous substances 35 4.12 Specific controls for explosives 35 4.12.1 Facility design 35 4.12.2 Magazine certification 36 4.12.3 Security 36 4.13 Transformer oil management 37 4.14 Transport of hazardous substances 37 4.15 Waste management 39