Supporting Technical Assessments

Area to be cleared and access and haul routes established Collection Pond S5 Storage 1A TSF (TSF1A) Southern Uphill Diversion Drain Clear vegetation and construct cuts and fills Existing Power Realign Ruahorehore Stream Trig Road North East Stockpile Haul Road Ramp TSF1A Infrastructure toe infrastructure to be ammended for TSF3 Collection Pond S4 East Gully Stockpile Area for Unsuitable NAF Fill TSF3 Stockpile 1 (Topsoil/NAF) Property Boundary Existing Power TSF3 Stockpile 2 (NAF) TSF3 Stockpile 3 (Topsoil/NAF) Figure 16 Storage 3 Site preparation and undercut EGL 04/10/2021