Supporting Technical Assessments

Reference Event Date Event Type Event Sub Type Location: Short Observation Detailed Observation Immediate Actions Taken: Workgroup AI-4360 28/09/2009 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Delivery Of Hydrogen Peroxide Spill. H2o2 delivery contractor over filled one of the two WTP storage tanks. Bund area drain reported the chemical to the conveyor belt wash settlement ponds. H2o2 started to decompose (producing water & oxygen) in two of the ponds before overflowing in to the WTP CP. Potentially 370 litres of product spilt. Belt wash pump stopped and WTP personnel monitoring WTP CP. EAMM# 17219 Legacy Data Processing AI-4501 15/03/2010 12:00 AM Process Loss Process Loss Production Area - Waihi Dispex 11 Spill From Ibc Weight of inline filter and outlet fittings (which is all unsupported) broke plastic fitting on ibc Spilling 400 litres into its bund. However valve open so from there to sump pump to thickener. EAMM# 20213 Legacy Data Processing AI-4713 22/09/2010 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Support Area - Waihi Hydraulic Oil Spill - Process Plant Oil leak from generator unit. Agrekko generator malfunction estimate 100 l engine oil sprayed out from generator - covering an area up to 30m2. Location: Favona workshop. EAMM# 24966 Legacy Data Support Services Environment AI-4756 29/10/2010 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Support Area - Waihi Hydrocarbon Spill - Favona Stockpile (40l) Oil leak/blown hydraulic hose. While overseeing a broken hills ore delivery the hydraulic line between the first and second trailer burst causing approx 40l of fluid to be dropped. Emergency medical assistance and transportation to hospital. Investigation commenced with scene examination. Department of Labour notification and release of scene. Forklift mechanical inspection. Video made/recorded of the scat kibble bin unloading proce Support Services Environment AI-4818 27/12/2010 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Support Area - Waihi Thickener Tank Slurry Spill Thickener tank partially emptied into secondary containment which in turn partially discharged via flocculent shed wash down pipe line to mill area drain system. Thickener tank water feed is from the process water tanks / tsf1a decant (tsf1a cnwad concentrations over the last two months ranged between 3.1 to 8.7ppm). Initiating event: thickener standby pump isolation valve solenoid malfunctioned resulting in valve failing in open position. Slurry vol estimated to be between 2m3 and 10m3. EAMM# 27272 Legacy Data Support Services Environment AI-4762 10/11/2010 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Overfill Sulphuric Acid Tank Alarm went at 95%, truck driver came up to control room and said he had 180l to go and ask if it was okay to keep filling. The level was discussed and it should have fitted with 150l to spare. Approx 50l Spill. EAMM# 25949 Legacy Data Processing AI-4848 18/01/2011 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Support Area - Waihi Hydrocarbon Spill - Martha Rom Blown o-ring on hydraulic pump. 52 tonne excavator was loading trucks on waste stockpile when the operator smelt hydraulic oil, he shut down the machine and noticed oil leaking from underneath the excavator. He put soaker pads down to control the spilt oil (65 litres). EAMM# 27780 Legacy Data Support Services Environment AI-1165 07/03/2011 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Hole in Discharge Pipe EDR Unit 3mm hole spraying mud outside of bunded area approximately 30 litres at 300ppm NaCN. Area drainage reports to Mill Contingency Pond. Shut down and isolated system, cleaned up Spill immediately and generated a work order to have repaired. Processing AI-29196 28/01/2013 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Ferric loss from dosing system WTP operator discovered ferric pump 9238 had a bad leak on intake side of pump. Lost approx. 1000 litres to inside bunded area and pumped to tails hopper via sump pump. $1820 worth of product. Isolate pump to stop leak, and reported to leading hand. Processing AI-29197 28/01/2013 12:00 AM Process Loss Process Loss Production Area - Waihi Ferric loss from bulk transfer station At 1504 hrs, bunk ferric bund high level alarm was activated. Investigation revealed split in transfer pump pipe work. Approx. 800L lost to bund. $1456 worth of product. Reported to on-call supervisor and fitter & isolated and repaired leak straight away. Processing AI-31991 10/06/2013 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Notification of Chemical leakage from empty Isotainer in Yard in Mount Maunganui At 1351hrs, site was notified (via email with pictures attached) that an empty Isotainer had leaked product onto the ground in storage yard. 3 personnel collected testing, monitoring and Spill clean up equipment and dispatched to investigate. At 1430hrs, informed that the Isotainer had already been moved to the Port of Tauranga, so NWG personnel proceeded to there. Requested Isotainer to be isolated and barricaded for inspection by NWG personnel Processing AI-40243 11/06/2014 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Oil Spill from Mustang (Bob Cat) While a Fitter was checking the level of oil in the chain case of the Mustang - he removed the drain plug, and approximately 4 litres of oil squirted out from the chain case. Oil splashed onto operators overalls. Reported to Supervisor. Area taped off. Oil Spill cleaned up. Processing Maintenance AI-57027 15/01/2015 12:00 AM Process Loss Environmental Production Area - Waihi Cyanide Spill into Bunded Area Mechanical seal failure on pump released approximately 900 litres of 30% sodium cyanide solution into the bund. Pump was isolated. Spill contained and pumped to CIL tanks. Cleaned up area. Processing 105137 09/07/2015 7:50 PM Process Loss Process Loss Lime Spill at WTP Upon arrival at WTP at beginning of shift, operator has discovered hose off ring main has become uncoupled from stream 4 dose pump. Spill contained within bunded area of stream 4 and WTP. lost approx. 375kg @ 174.4/t Shutdown lime system and reinstated hose. Rang on-call supervisor Processing 109554 18/10/2015 4:40 AM Process Loss Environmental Waihi Blown hydraulic line on 770 mill loader While loading the bucket of the 770 loader, a hydraulic line has blown. Backed away from working face. Shut machine down. Placed absorbent pads down. Coned off Spill and loader. Cleaned up. Processing Operations 140944 17/08/2016 12:00 PM Process Loss Environmental Contaminated water Spill due to manhole overflowing Manhole MH13 overflowing contaminated underdrainage water. Water flowed to S4 collection pond. Contaminated water was then pumped from S4 to WTP Issue raised by site services (Chris Whittingham). Contacted Environment and Mill. Mill sent out electrician immediately and restarted the pump stopping the overflow. Processing Operations 156822 30/11/2016 12:00 AM Process Loss Process Loss Foam Spilled out of Reagent mix tank into bund Foam Spilled out of Bulk Cyanide Mix Tank into bund via the tank overflow pipe and level indicator hole Informed immediate supervisors Processing Operations 274296 20/12/2017 1:00 PM Process Loss Environmental Waihi Diesel Spillage during fueling of temporary Aggreko generator diesel tank McFalls delivery driver arrived at site to fuel Aggreko generator fuel tank. McFalls driver began fueling as per normal procedure. After ~9000L transfered it was noticed that diesel was leaking out of the top of the tank. Immediately stopped fueling. At this time the Aggreko technician's arrived and informed McFalls driver that the fuel tank was not operational. Refueling stopped Diesel tank pressure relieved Diesel Spill contained and cleaned up Waihi Processing Production 458087 03/05/2021 12:00 AM Environment Event Tailings Management Slurry Spill outside workshop Maintenance fitter was manouvering Carbon Catch Screen Feed Box around outside workshop when approx. 200L of slurry discharged from an inlet spool piece onto tarseal Waihi Processing Maintenance Mechanical AI-27994 04/12/2012 12:00 AM Process Loss Process Loss Production Area - Waihi Bisulphite valve seal failure Operator discovered valve was leaking during the weekly reagent check. RO plant has not been operational since June and the last preservation was late Nov. Spill was contained within the portable bund and 98% (estimate) of product was recovered back to the IBC. Spill volume was approx. 300l total and 6 litres was lost (not returned to IBC). Cost ca. $20. Valve has been in operation for est. 6 years. Isolate at IBC outlet Support Services Site Services WTP