Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited • State Highway 25 – Confirms the property is listed on the Land Use Information Register (ref: LUI05772), with a classification of ‘Contaminated’ due to land use HAIL activities: ‘E7. Mining’ associated with the Royal Standard Battery. A.7.4 OceanaGold information OGNZL directed us to information from to clarify the history of the former Royal Standard Battery site and other mining features within the Park. The Coromandel Forest Park has numerous old mining features within it, many dating from the 1800s and early 1900s. These were typically small in scale but several of them would have utilised heavy metals, cyanide, mercury and acids as part of the gold and silver extraction process. The most signfiicant contamination sites are generally well documented, although very few have been remediated. The Royal Standard mines (a collection of small prospects) were mined only very briefly although signficant infrastructure (for the time) was installed to attempt to extract ore. However, the quality of the ore was relatively low and mining was therefore short lived.