Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited A.7 Coromandel Forest Park A.7.1 Aerial photographs Historical aerial imagery available via online databases were reviewed and are summarised on Table A.7.1. Table A.7.1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review – Coromandel Forest. Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 1942 Retrolens (SN229 4/ 83 /25 – 27/ 29/ 31/ 32 and 484/ 28/ 29/ 31/ 33/ 34 and 485/ 27/ 28. 1948 Retrolens (SN229. 481/ 33/ 35/ 37/ 39 and 482/ 42/ 44/ 46/ 48/ 50) 1942 aerial photographs were only available for the southern half of the site, with 1948 aerial photographs available for the northern half. For both years, the site is undeveloped forest land with surrounding land very much the same. 1982 Retrolens (SN5944. A/ 14/ 16 and B/ 14/ 16 and SN8163. V/ 18) The site remains largely unchanged, with no structures observed on site. No significant changes are observed on the surrounding land. 2012-2019 LINZ-Waikato Photograph used 2012 - 2013 The site remains largely unchanged, with no structures observed. No significant changes are observed on the surrounding land, with the exception of a small dam adjacent to the western boundary of the Park observed in 2012 - 2013. A.7.2 Council Contamination Records WWLA obtained the LUIR from WRC for Coromandel Forest Park in August 2021. The response from WRC is summarised below: 1942 1948