Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 1991 Retrolens (SN3798 E/24) The edge of Martha mine tailings storage facilities (TSFs) is now visible to the west of the site. The site and remainder of the surrounding area remain unchanged with the exception of some additional market gardening in the centre-north of the site. 1999 Retrolens (SN3798 E/24) More exposed ground is now visible in association with the TSFs to the west of the site. Market garden areas remain. 2012-2013 LINZ-Waikato The TSFs to the west of the site have now enlarged and extended towards the western boundary. The site remains largely unchanged although no market gardens can be seen. 2016-2019 LINZ -Waikato The site and surrounding area remain largely unchanged. A.4.2 Council Contamination Records WWLA obtained the LUIR from WRC for 95 Trig Road North, Trig Road and Legal Road in August 2021. The response from WRC is summarised below: • 95 Trig Road North, Trig Road and Legal Road – Confirms all three properties are not listed on the Land Use Information Register. A.4.2 Council Property Files