Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited A.4 TSF3 A.4.1 Aerial photographs Historical aerial imagery available via online databases were reviewed and are summarised in Table A.4.1. Table B.4.1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review. Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 1942 Retrolens (SN229/36, 487/34, 486/34) The site is vacant pastoral land with three dwellings in the southern point (within 95 Trig Road North) and an additional dwelling along the eastern border. The access roads within the site relate to connecting the dwellings to Trig Road North, which runs along the eastern border. Scattered trees are present in the northern part of the site. Surrounding land is predominantly farmland/ paddocks with scattered dwellings. 1964 Retrolens (SN1629 C/8) There are two new dwellings located at the southern end of the ‘’Trig Road North” area of the site. The remainder of the site and surrounding land remain largely unchanged. 1975 Retrolens (SN3798 E/24) The site and surrounding land remain largely unchanged. There is now an accessway running northeast in the vegetated northern part of the “Trig Road North” area of the site. 1982 Retrolens (SN3798 E/24) Small areas of market gardening are occurring in the centre and southeast of the site. The remainder of the site and surrounding land are largely unchanged.