Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited A.3 Existing Tailings Storage Facilities A.3.1 Aerial photographs Historical aerial imagery available via online databases were reviewed and are summarised, separately for each site, in Table A.3.1 below. Table A.3.1. Historical Aerial Photograph Review – 52 Clarke Street. Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 1942 Retrolens (SN229 486/32 486/34 and 487/34) The site is largely vacant pastoral land. Baxter Road runs through the centre of the property (west to east). Six residential houses can be identified (circled), however because of the resolution of the photograph and photographs stitched together, there could potentially be more. Land to the south and east is predominantly farmland/ paddocks with scattered residential houses. 1963 Retrolens (SN1218 299/46) The site has additional residential properties and associated structures, all observed structures are circled. Dense vegetation is observed along the northern/ north-eastern boundary. Surrounding land remains largely unchanged. 1975 Retrolens (SN3798 E/24 and E/22) The site remains largely unchanged, however some additional structures have be built. Previous structures identified in the 1964 aerial photograph are circled in yellow and new structures circle in blue. Surrounding land remains largely unchanged in the south and east, while land in the north and west densifies with residential houses. 1982 Retrolens (SN5944 C/16 The site and surrounding land remain largely unchanged.