Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 2016 – 2019 LINZ - Waikato The site and surrounding land remain largely unchanged. A.1.2 Council Contamination Records WWLA obtained the LUIR from WRC for 43 Moore Street, 52 Clarke Street and Domain Road in August 2021. The response from WRC is summarised below: • 43 Moore Street, 52 Clarke Street and Domain Road – Confirms all three properties are listed on the Land Use Information Register (ref: LUI07240), as indicated by the area shaded blue with a classification of ‘Contaminated’ due to land use HAIL activities: ‘E7. Mining’; and ‘C1. Explosive storage’ associated with Newmont Waihi Gold. • A number of documents are held under consent file 605902A. Figure B.1.1. WRC LUIR map.