Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited Photograph date (source) Activities Aerial image 1982 Retrolens (SN5944 C/6) The site has undergone some redevelopment, largely related to a residential redevelopment to the north of the site. An access road runs from the western boundary towards the north-east, connecting the residential property to the road. A small shed is observed within the north-western corner and a tunnel greenhouse is located between the northern boundary and the access road. Potential cropping is located within the south-eastern corner Surrounding land densifies with residential redevelopment in the north and west with land in the south and east remaining largely unchanged. 1991 Retrolens (SN9124 C/29) The access road, tunnel house and potential cropping area are no longer evident. The Martha Open Pit is observed some distance to the northwest and the Processing Plant at 52 Clarke Street and the tailings storage is observed some distance to the south-east. 1999 Retrolens (SN12539 B/9) There are no significant changes observed on site. Surrounding land remains largely unchanged. 2012 – 2013 LINZ - Waikato An access road enters the site along the southern boundary and terminates at the northern boundary, earthworks are observed to the east of the access road. The earthworks observed are related to the expanding Processing Plant to the east. Surrounding land remains largely unchanged. 2016 – 2019 LINZ - Waikato There are no significant changes observed on site. There is still earthworked land on its eastern half. Surrounding land remains largely unchanged.