Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 49 Table 14. Permitted activity conditions for land use change, NESCS Regulation 8(4) Rule 8(4) Permitted activity condition Evaluation (a) A preliminary site investigation of the land or piece of land must exist. This PSI fulfils this requirement. (b) The report on the PSI must state that it is highly unlikely that there will be a risk to human health if the activity is done to the piece of land. This PSI fulfils this requirement. By following the procedures in the SMP, it is highly unlikely that there will be a risk to human health from development and upgrade of mining facilities at the project sites. (c) The report must be accompanied by a relevant site plan to which the report is referenced. Figures 1 through 17 fulfil this requirement. (d) The consent authority must have the report and the plan. Can be met if this report is provided to Council. Of the other three activities covered by the NESCS, fuel system removal and subdivision do not apply to the proposed works. Soil sampling will take place prior to works commencing but will be undertaken in a way that meets the permitted activity provisions of Regulation 8(2). 5.3.2 Waikato Regional Plan The Waikato Regional Plan (“WRP”) regulates the disturbance of soils impacted by HAIL activities (from Rule, but only if remediation is being undertaken. Remediation is only deemed to be necessary if soil testing finds that contaminant levels exceed applicable human health or environmental criteria. While we consider it unlikely that remediation is going to be required during the project, there is some uncertainty as contamination concentrations are not yet known and remediation may be required in localised areas. We have therefore outlined the permitted activity conditions in Table 15. Note that we have not assessed the remediation of the mine facilities at the end of their life as it would not be possible at this stage to ascertain what the likely level of contamination will be, what the end use of the land will be, and what potential for discharges will be. If remediation is required, the permitted activity conditions are as per Table 15. Table 15. WRP permitted activity provisions. Rule Permitted activity condition (Sections referenced are from the current WRP at the time of writing) (a) Any discharge to air arising from the activity shall comply with the conditions and standards and terms in Section 6.1.8 except where the matters addressed in Section 6.1.8 are already addressed by conditions on resource consents for the site. (b) No contaminants from the remediation of the contaminated land shall be discharged into water or onto land unless discharged to a landfill authorised in Section 5.2.7. (c) The Waikato Regional Council shall be provided with the following reports prepared in compliance with Contaminated Land Management Guideline No.1: Reporting on Contaminated Sites in New Zealand (Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, NZ, updated October 2003) prior to commencement of land remediation: i. Detailed site investigation report ii. Site remedial action plan (d) After remediation is completed, copies of the following reports prepared in compliance with Contaminated Land Management Guideline No.1: Reporting on Contaminated Sites in New Zealand (Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, NZ, updated October 2003) must be provided to the Waikato Regional Council: i. Site validation report ii. Ongoing monitoring and management plan. (e) Any updates of these reports shall be provided to the Waikato Regional Council if a change in investigation, remediation and monitoring strategy occurs.