Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 46 Contamination from a range of sources in proposed project works areas Site end users and construction workers during redevelopment. Exposure via inhalation of dust potentially containing contaminants including asbestos fibres. Skin contact with soil containing contaminants. Ingestion of contamination through poor hygiene practices. Potential Complete Pathway: As for the existing operational areas we expect contaminant concentrations could exceed human health criteria in localised areas (refer Section 3) but will be confirmed via pre-works testing set out in the SMP. It is expected that any contamination present will be managed in isolation prior to bulk earthworks, either through excavation and offsite disposal (for asbestos contamination in particular) or mixing with overburden rock in the TSFs (for other types of contamination). Containment of any identified contamination beneath structures such as tailings dam linings or buildings is also possible. Ecological receptors at the nearest surface water bodies at the site and receiving soils site. Dust or sediment and surface water runoff to surface water bodies. Potential Complete Pathway: As above any impacted soil is expected to be localised and thus environmental effects easily managed by materials segregation and removal/ mixing and standard earthworks/runoff controls.