Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 40 3.6 Proposed Northern Rock Stack Site description summary The NRS site is predominantly farmland (an operating drystock unit with calf and bull rearing). There is a derelict dairy shed and two hay sheds present along with a dwelling that potentially includes ACM building materials. Part of the property is within the current operational area with a heavy equipment workshop and fuel tank present within a large hardstand area. Waste oil storage tanks occur outside the workshop. Our understanding is that the workshop is infrequently used. Proposed developments The NRS will have capacity to hold up to 7,000,000 m3 of overburden rock with associated infrastructure such as water settlement ponds. The existing workshop, fuel bowser and grease storage area will need to be relocated by about 140 m. Site history summary The site has been pastoral for most of its recorded history, with the dwelling present constructed at a time when asbestos use was common. We have considered all potential contaminating (HAIL) activities for the proposed NRS site in Table 8 below and these are also shown on Figure 16. Table 8. Potential for contamination: Northern Rock Stack Land use Potential contaminants Possible extent of contamination HAIL Assessment Areas potentially impacted Drench use in yards and storage in sheds HAIL Activity A8: Livestock dip or spray race operations Arsenic, organochlorines As indicated previously in Tables 4 and 6, no evidence of livestock dips occurs but pour-on drenches may have been used in the cattle yards. Any contamination is likely confined to surface soils in the immediate vicinity of the yards. HAIL Activity A8 applies to site. Cattle yards/ sheds Diesel and waste oil storage HAIL Activity A17: Storage tanks or drums for fuel Hydrocarbons, lead A diesel AST is located next to the workshop along with waste oil storage. Contamination, if present, is likely to be localised to shallow soil immediately beneath the storage areas. HAIL Activity A17 applies to the site. Immediately around AST and waste oil storage area Asbestos use in buildings HAIL Activity E1: Asbestos in a degraded condition Asbestos There is potential for asbestos to be present on the dwelling and any associated structures (garage/ garden sheds). If contamination is present, it is likely confined to surface soils immediately surrounding the buildings. HAIL Activity E1 applies to the site. Immediately surrounding buildings.