Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 34 3.3 Proposed Gladstone Open Pit Site description summary The proposed GOP is farmland, incorporating a small area of pine plantation. In terms of potential for contamination the only features of interest are a derelict dairy shed and hay barn with external yards, which are outside the GOP footprint. An old brick wall forming part of the stock yards is out of place and suggests perhaps a former structure occurred in this area. No asbestos-containing products were observed on the buildings and no livestock dips were evident. Proposed developments The GOP area will be developed as an open cut mine with minimal support activities given its proximity to the Processing Plant and WTP site immediately southeast of the GOP. Mining activities include excavation of overburden rock, creation of visual and noise bunds, relocation of the Favona portal, extraction of the ore, and eventual conversion to a tailings storage facility once mining is complete. Local support activities such as temporary amenity buildings for workers are also expected. Site history summary The site has been farmland for as long as records are available. A dwelling was present from the 1940s, but has been demolished. The dairy shed and haybarn were constructed circa 1960s. We have considered all potential contaminating (HAIL) activities for the future GOP site in Table 5 below. The location of these is shown on Figure 13. Table 5. Potential for contamination: Gladstone Open Pit Land use Potential contaminants Possible extent of contamination HAIL Assessment Areas potentially impacted Drench use in yards HAIL Activity A8: Livestock dip or spray race operations Arsenic, organochlorines No livestock dips were noted but it is likely that pouron drenches have been used in the cattle yards. Most modern formulations have very low residence times in soil but given that the yards have been in existence since the 1960s, it is possible that persistent chemicals have been used historically. Any contamination is likely confined to surface soils in the immediate vicinity of the yards. HAIL Activity A8 applies to wider site. Yards adjacent to cow and hay shed. Asbestos use in buildings (historic) HAIL Activity E1: Asbestos in a degraded condition Asbestos No asbestos was observed on current buildings. Historic buildings that may have contained asbestos were demolished approximately 40 years ago so potential for contamination to remain is negligible. HAIL Activity E1 does not apply to the site. -