Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 24 2.2.7 Willows Road property Willows Road property, Figure 8: The Willows Road property is an operating dairy/dry stock unit. The portion that is part of this project is situated on the western side, and at the end, of Willows Road. The land is undulating, rising up to the west/northwest. The property contains a dwelling and woolshed adjacent to Willows Road, with an implement shed and dairy shed included in the cluster of buildings by the road. A hay shed is located beyond the end of Willows Road to the north of the aforementioned buildings. The vast majority of the Willows Road property is in developed pasture. • The woolshed is timber framed and corrugated iron clad (Photograph 44) with timber sheep/ cattle pens and loading races located to the rear (Photograph 45). No livestock dips were noted within the sheep pen complex. • The implement and dairy shed have concrete floors, the implement shed being a half round corrugated iron and steel framed structure (Photograph 46), the cowshed being concrete block, iron and timber. The facing boards are fibre cement, potentially containing asbestos (Photograph 43). • An effluent system is located next to the dairy shed. It consists of an in-ground sump that collects dairy effluent for irrigation onto paddocks. • The hayshed is of steel and corrugated iron construction with an earth floor. • No offal pit was noted but the presence of one cannot be ruled out. Photograph 43. Dairy shed. Photograph 44. Woolshed. Photograph 45. Sheep and cattle pens at the rear of woolshed. Photograph 46. Implement shed with spray and waste oil storage.