Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 19 2.2.5 Proposed Tailings Storage Facility 3 TSF3 (proposed), Figure 6: The proposed TSF3 is within a leased dairying property, north of Waihi Beach Road and immediately southeast of TSF1A. The property contains two dairy sheds (Photographs 31 and 35), two dwellings and a number of implement and hay sheds. The land is undulating with the meandering Ruahorehore Stream traversing the land from east to west, draining to the Ohinemuri River. • The farm buildings are of corrugated iron and steel construction, mostly with earth floors (Photographs 33, 35 and 36). The cowsheds are concrete block and corrugated iron. An above-ground storage tank (AST) for diesel is located next to a dairy shed (Photograph 32). • Both dwellings are weatherboard with evidence of cement board eaves and soffits, potentially containing asbestos. • Used livestock and weed control sprays containers were visible in an implement shed between the two cowsheds. Several older tractors and equipment were also within the shed (Photographs 33 and 34). Photograph 31. Southern most dairy shed complex with residence at rear. Photograph 32. AST outside the northern-most dairy shed. Photograph 33. Implement shed. Photograph 34. Stored chemicals and drums in the implement shed. Photograph 35. Second diary shed complex to the northeast. Photograph 36. Hay shed.