Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 17 2.2.4 Existing Tailings Storage Facilities Existing TSFs (Figure 5): The existing TSFs are located east/ southeast of the Processing Plant. At the time of the inspection TSF1A was in use, while TSF2 (Photograph 28) had not been used for some time. The Northern Stockpile, fed by a conveyor stem and rock loadout facility is located north of TSF2 (Photograph 27). The TSFs: • Side slopes are predominantly grazed pasture almost to the rim, with an area of native plantings evident in the northwest of TSF2 (Photograph 29). • Have drains and collection ponds around the base with pumps to return water to the WTP, and spill channels that operate under very heavy rainfall (Photographs 29 and 30). • An underdrainage system collects water percolating through them in a series of manholes from which water is piped to the WTP. The Ruahorehore Stream runs to the west around the base of the TSFs to join the Ohinemuri River near Black Hill. Photograph 27. Rock load out area to the north of TSF2. Photograph 28. TSF2 pond. Photograph 29. Water spilling off TSF2 embankment to the collection pond. Photograph 30. Collection pond at the southern side of TSF1A.