Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) Williamson Water & Land Advisory Limited 13 2.2.2 Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant (Wider Environment) Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant (wider environment), Figure 3: The proposed Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant expansions will be within the footprint of the existing facilities. Surrounding the existing facilities, the area is covered by the Polishing Pond Stockpile (Photographs 19 and 21) and rock from the Martha mine, with a portion comprising farmland. Key features of the surrounding land, which would be a potential receptor for contamination (if any) mobilised during works (refer Section 4) include: • On the north-eastern side of the stockpile are two settlement/containment ponds, fed by collector drains around the base of the stack (Photograph 21). These discharge to the WTP. • A vent and emergency access portal for the underground mine are immediately northeast of the process expansion area at the top of the slope. • The farmed areas in the north-western half of the site are accessed via Moore Street, the termination of this road being at a gated entrance to the processing area (Photograph 20). • The farmed areas rise steeply up to the northeast. Old mine workings were visible on the hillslope on the eastern side of Moore Street. • On the western side of Moore Street is remnants of a former pond/water storage reservoir (Photograph 22). The clay embankment has been breached and it no longer holds water. The pond and surrounds are pasture. Photograph 19. Polishing Pond Stockpile. Photograph 20. End of Moore Street, conveyor is to the left of image. Photograph 21. Western side of the Polishing Pond Stockpile and water collection drains. Photograph 22. Former water storage pond/ reservoir.