Supporting Technical Assessments

Oceana Gold Project Quattro Project Quattro Geochemical Assessment – Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation \\\lfs\APAC\Christchurch-NZCHC1\Legacy\Projects\605X\60544823\6. Draft Docs\6.1 Reports\Waihi North\App F - PHREEQC Outputs\WNP_App F_PHREEQC_25.05.22.docx Revision 5 – 07-Aug-2020 Prepared for – Anderson Lloyd – Co No.: 5719274 The predicted unmitigated and mitigated Favona backfill water quality was based two scenarios. The two scenarios were the different backfilled porewater chemistry, one mitigated and one unmitigated based on results from the WUG access tunnel. • Scenario 1 – Predicted Favona Backfill Water Quality - Unmitigated • Scenario 2 – Predicted Favona Backfill Water Quality - Mitigated