Supporting Technical Assessments

R J Hill Laboratories Limited 28 Duke Street Frankton 3204 Private Bag 3205 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand 0508 HILL LAB (44 555 22) +64 7 858 2000 [email protected] T T E W This Laboratory is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), which represents New Zealand in the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Through the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC-MRA) this accreditation is internationally recognised. The tests reported herein have been performed in accordance with the terms of accreditation, with the exception of tests marked * or any comments and interpretations, which are not accredited. Certificate of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client: Contact: Mark Burroughs C/- Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited PO Box 190 Waihi 3610 Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited Lab No: Date Received: Date Reported: Quote No: Order No: Client Reference: Submitted By: 2925270 22-Mar-2022 30-Mar-2022 85959 70057893 Extended suite Andrew Bellamy SPv1 Sample Type: Aqueous Sample Name: Lab Number: 1840315 18-Mar-2022 3:25 pm 1840316 18-Mar-2022 2:50 pm 2925270.1 2925270.2 2925270.3 1840317 18-Mar-2022 3:10 pm Individual Tests pH Units 1.7 2.0 2.4 - - pH g/m3 as CaCO3 6,200 9,200 3,100 - - Acidity (pH 3.7) g/m3 as CaCO3 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 - - Total Alkalinity mS/m 1,086 987 1,161 - - Electrical Conductivity (EC) g/m3 109 400 760 - - Dissolved Aluminium g/m3 0.0077 0.020 0.0063 - - Dissolved Antimony g/m3 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 - - Dissolved Barium g/m3 15.3 240 410 - - Dissolved Calcium g/m3 0.24 1.11 3.3 - - Dissolved Cobalt g/m3 1,620 3,000 1,870 - - Dissolved Iron g/m3 11.8 125 660 - - Dissolved Magnesium g/m3 4.3 35 18.8 - - Dissolved Manganese g/m3 < 0.00015 < 0.00015 < 0.00016 - - Dissolved Mercury g/m3 0.030 0.032 0.0029 - - Dissolved Molybdenum g/m3 0.5 < 0.3 32 - - Dissolved Potassium g/m3 0.023 0.045 0.014 - - Dissolved Selenium g/m3 0.0006 0.0013 < 0.0005 - - Dissolved Silver g/m3 2.0 1.01 11.3 - - Dissolved Sodium g/m3 0.044 0.043 2.6 - - Dissolved Strontium g/m3 0.0193 0.075 0.30 - - Dissolved Uranium g/m3 0.134 0.41 1.47 - - Dissolved Vanadium g/m3 6,700 11,500 13,500 - - Sulphate Heavy metals, dissolved, trace As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Zn g/m3 54 125 14.2 - - Dissolved Arsenic g/m3 0.0031 0.0147 0.024 - - Dissolved Cadmium g/m3 0.25 0.37 0.71 - - Dissolved Chromium g/m3 0.96 2.3 20 - - Dissolved Copper g/m3 < 0.0005 0.0013 < 0.0005 - - Dissolved Lead g/m3 0.098 0.43 2.4 - - Dissolved Nickel g/m3 4.5 17.0 11.5 - - Dissolved Zinc The following table(s) gives a brief description of the methods used to conduct the analyses for this job. The detection limits given below are those attainable in a relatively simple matrix. Detection limits may be higher for individual samples should insufficient sample be available, or if the matrix requires that dilutions be performed during analysis. A detection limit range indicates the lowest and highest detection limits in the associated suite of analytes. A full listing of compounds and detection limits are available from the laboratory upon request. Unless otherwise indicated, analyses were performed at Hill Laboratories, 28 Duke Street, Frankton, Hamilton 3204. Summary of Methods Sample Type: Aqueous Test Method Description Default Detection Limit Sample No