Supporting Technical Assessments

\\\lfs\apac\christchurch-nzchc1\legacy\projects\605x\60544823\6. draft docs\6.1 reports\waihi north\app d - kinetic and column testing\appendix d - attachment a.docx 6 of 6 Dissolved Mercury Dissolved Manganese Dissolved Molybdenum Dissolved Nickel Dissolved Selenium Dissolved Vanadium Dissolved Zinc Dissolved Titanium Dissolved Boron Dissolved Strontium Dissolved Thorium Dissolved Tin Dissolved Silver Dissolved Thallium Dissolved Fluoride Dissolved Uranium *It is recommended that samples are field filtered and are analysed at trace level. Note that depending on the initial static data set (not available at the time of writing) and ongoing analytical data collection from the kinetic and column waste tests, the analytical suite and frequency of sample/data collection may be reduced during the duration of the column operation. Principal Environmental Scientist [email protected] Mobile: +64 029 355 1207